TEFL Jobs in Brazil

Date posted:2016-06-09 | Writer: S&K | Email: [email protected]

Schütz & Kanomata (S&K) is an ESL school located in Santa Cruz do Sul, a mid-size town in the south of Brazil, with a two-semester program designed for native level speakers of English that want to exchange kindergarten and EFL teaching for the opportunity of living in Brazil and learning its language and culture. We provide comfortable accommodations and payment above the cost of living. Our Brazilian Language & Culture program includes Portuguese instruction, occasional weekend tours, and a safe and pleasant environment.

The emphasis in our school is on communicative work, using learner-centered, motivational, participatory classroom activities. Desired qualifications: kindergarten and ESL teaching experience with a friendly and extroverted personality.

The cost of living in Brazil is low when compared to the cost of living in the U.S., Canada or England. Santa Cruz is even cheaper than big cities and it might also be a better place to make friends and learn the culture.

Wages in general are also low when converted to foreign currencies. For this reason, our program should not be regarded as money-making work, but rather as a unique cultural experience and learning opportunity.

We commit ourselves to offering the guest teacher an opportunity to learn the Brazilian language and culture in the atmosphere of a small town. We guarantee the minimal work for your full maintenance plus a reasonable income depending on your working schedule and lifestyle. Even if there weren't enough work, the guest teacher would still have everything taken care of.

One hour a day of teaching (Monday through Friday only) pays for the whole week's accommodations, including utilities. There is no deduction from Saturday hours. However, if you share the bedroom with another teacher (a spouse or a friend), you both have a 25% discount. So, instead of teaching one hour each (total of 2 hours), you both teach a total of only one hour and a half daily for the rent.

Santa Cruz do Sul is located about a thousand kilometers south of São Paulo. It is a city of about 90,000 inhabitants with over 110,000 in the municipality. Santa Cruz started as a German immigration center in the 1800s, having become an interesting blend of cultures today.


If you are interested in our program, let me know. The application process is quite simple. You send me a resume and a photo, to the address given on the job heading, as an e-mail attachment. I will then refer you to Linda Rayner (our former ESL coordinator) or somebody else from our staff for a phone interview, who will also be able to answer many of your questions.

Ricardo Schütz - DirectorSchütz & Kanomata, ESL & PSLRua Galvao Costa, 8596810-012 Santa Cruz do Sul - RSBrazil

Phone: 55 (51) 3715-3366

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit explains what Modal auxiliary verbs are and what the rules are for using them. They are used to express an obligation, possibly or probability, to give permission or to prohibit something, Ability and Advice. Passive voice is also discussed, passive voice is used when the person performing the action is less important that the action itself. It doesn't matter who did the action.In this Unit we can find a lot of useful information about English grammar. Different types of nouns, verbs, adjectives and other parts of the proposition, right ways of making propositions. I refreshed my knowledge about English grammar and now I can explain some difficult things. All of the explanations in this Unit are full of examples, that helps us to understand the material better.
