Rate TEFL Language

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

H.L. - Malaysia said:
Role of the teacherSchools are one of the first places where kid?s behaviour and future educational success is shape. Teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behaviour toward students. The reason why the first years of school are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life. In my opinion, teachers are the second mothers for the students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers. The teacher must create a warm and protective environment but at the same time professional. If students feel secure in the classroom the result will be shown in the academic progress. Thus, teacher should be a role model for students. There are lots of different types of reading and listening activities. Of course, for these various types of activities the teacher?s behaviour will be different. For example in presentation, the teacher was in firm control. Then we can say that the role of the teacher changes depending on the function he performs in different activities. 1) Teacher as Controller When the teacher is in complete charge of class activities he or she acts as controller. The teacher controls what the students do, what they speak and when they speak in presenting new material e.g. a grammatical pattern, new vocabulary, a pronunciation item. Teachers should keep the students alert. The teacher constitutes a good language model for the students and the class activities will be well-organized. 2) Teacher as Assessor Teacher need to evaluate the students? performance to show the students their success or shortcomings. The aim is to show the students how well they are performing or they have performed. During the presentation stage the teacher should and can correct the errors in order to show the students what has gone wrong and he should help the students put it right with choral repetition of the correct form and repetition after the teacher. In this role as assessor the teacher provides feedback that the students have in order to see the extent of his success or shortcoming in his performance. 3) Teacher as Organizer The teacher should tell the students what the activity is. The organization of an activity takes place in 4 phases: i. Lead-in: Introduction to the activity. ii. Instructions: The teacher should provide clear instructions. iii. Initiation of the activity: The teacher initiates the activity; he sees that the activity continues. iv. Organizing feedback: After the activity is over, the teacher provides feedback. In providing the correct forms use gentle correction. 4) Teacher as Participant The teacher participates in pair-work and group work activities as a peer in the group. The teacher should be careful not to be dominant in the activity. If the teacher is not dominant the students will have the opportunity to speak with someone English well. 5) Teacher as Prompter Be careful not to prompt too much in that case you will take the task over from the students. In cases of confusion, not remembering the right vocabulary item, hesitation, silence etc. 6) Teacher as Mentor Serving as a mentor for novice teachers is a common role for teacher leaders. Mentors serve as role models and advise new teachers about instruction, curriculum, procedure, practices, and politics. Being a mentor takes a great deal of time and expertise and makes a significant contribution to the development of a new professional. 7) Teacher as School Leader Being a school leader means serving on a committee, such as a school improvement team; acting as a grade-level or department chair; supporting school initiatives; or representing the school on community or district task forces or committees. A school leader shares the vision of the school, aligns his or her professional goals with those of the school and district, and shares responsibility for the success of the school as a whole.
