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Complete Guide to Getting a Job Teaching Business English

Complete Guide to Getting a Job Teaching Business English | ITTT | TEFL Blog

Are you passionate about teaching and have a knack for business acumen? If so, a career in teaching Business English might be the perfect fit for you. As the world continues to become increasingly interconnected, the demand for English language skills in a business context has never been higher. In this blog post, we will explore the steps you can take to embark on a rewarding journey as a Business English teacher.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Get certified

For new TEFL/TESOL teachers:

For experienced TEFL/TESOL teachers:

Step 2: Refine your TEFL/TESOL resume

Tailor Your Resume for the Job:

Showcase Transferable Skills from Previous Careers:

Step 3: Search for Business English Teaching Jobs

Exploring Job Search Methods:

Preparing for Job Interviews and What Employers Look For:

Step 4: Apply to Jobs if Teaching with a Company

High-Demand Companies and Regions:

Potential Challenges and Cultural Differences:

Step 5: Find Business English Students if Freelancing

Setting Rates, Handling Payments, and Managing Schedules:

Adapting Materials and Methods for One-on-One Teaching:


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From acquiring the right certifications to finding job opportunities, we will guide you through the process, providing valuable insights and tips for both newcomers to the field and experienced ESL teachers looking to specialize. Teaching Business English is not only a fulfilling profession but also an avenue for personal and professional growth. Let's dive in and explore the exciting world of Business English education.

Step 1: Get certified

Becoming a certified Business English teacher is the first crucial step in your journey. This step applies to both newcomers in the world of TEFL/TESOL and experienced teachers looking to specialize in Business English.

For new TEFL/TESOL teachers:

If you're new to the world of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), acquiring a certification is vital. These certifications typically require a minimum of 120 hours of coursework, covering a wide range of topics such as lesson planning, classroom management, and language assessment. Importantly, they also include practical teaching experiences that prepare you for the challenges of real classrooms.

With a fresh TEFL/TESOL certification, you open the door to a world of teaching possibilities. You can explore teaching opportunities not only in Business English but also in general English language education. This certification serves as a strong foundation and showcases your commitment to effective teaching.

For experienced TEFL/TESOL teachers:

For experienced TEFL/TESOL teachers, the journey to becoming a Business English specialist involves taking a specialized certification course. These courses focus exclusively on the nuances of teaching English for business purposes. While ITTT's 60-hour Specialized Certification in Teaching Business English is a fantastic option, several other reputable institutions also offer similar courses, enhancing your knowledge and credibility in the field. These specialized certifications delve into business-related topics like corporate communication, industry-specific vocabulary, and cross-cultural communication, equipping you with the expertise needed to excel in Business English instruction.

Step 2: Refine your TEFL/TESOL resume

Once you've obtained the necessary TEFL/TESOL certification, the next crucial step in your journey to becoming a successful Business English teacher is to refine your resume. Your resume is often the first impression potential employers or clients will have of you, so it's vital to make it stand out and showcase your qualifications effectively.

Tailor Your Resume for the Job:

One of the fundamental rules in job hunting is to customize your resume for the specific job you're applying for. For a Business English teaching position, this means highlighting relevant experiences and skills that demonstrate your ability to excel in this field. Emphasize your TEFL/TESOL certification prominently, and consider including specific coursework or training related to Business English instruction. If you have experience in other educational or business-related roles, be sure to showcase these experiences as they can be highly relevant. Furthermore, focus on any business or industry-specific knowledge you've gained.

Showcase Transferable Skills from Previous Careers:

If you're transitioning into Business English teaching from a previous career in business or any other field, it's essential to effectively showcase your transferable skills. Many skills, such as communication, project management, problem-solving, and intercultural competence, are highly transferable and valuable in the classroom. Provide concrete examples of how these skills have been applied in your previous roles. Demonstrating your ability to adapt and apply your previous experiences to teaching Business English will set you apart from other candidates.

Step 3: Search for Business English Teaching Jobs

After getting certified and refining your resume, the next crucial step is finding the right Business English teaching job. This phase is a pivotal one in your journey, and how you approach it can significantly impact your teaching career. We'll delve into various methods and considerations for your job search.

Exploring Job Search Methods:

There are several avenues to explore when searching for Business English teaching jobs, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Here, we break down some of the most common methods:

Online Job Boards: Platforms like ITTT Job Board, LinkedIn, or dedicated Facebook groups such as TEFL/TESOL Jobs Group often post a myriad of job opportunities. They are excellent for reaching a broad audience and discovering remote positions. However, competition can be fierce.

Language Institutes and Centers: Local language schools, educational institutions, and business centers sometimes hire Business English teachers. This method is advantageous if you prefer in-person teaching but might be location-dependent.

Referrals: Don't underestimate the power of networking. Leveraging personal networks, both within the education sector and the business community, can open doors to unadvertised opportunities. Consider reaching out to other Business English teachers, attending industry events, and connecting with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn.

Preparing for Job Interviews and What Employers Look For:

Securing an interview is an achievement, but to land the job, you must be well-prepared. Job interviews for Business English teaching positions can be unique, and understanding what employers are looking for is crucial. Here are some tips:

Teaching Approach: Be ready to discuss your teaching philosophy and methodology, focusing on how you adapt your approach for business students. Employers want to know you can tailor your lessons to meet the specific needs of corporate learners.

Cultural Awareness: Many Business English students are working in cross-cultural environments. Demonstrating your understanding of cultural nuances and your ability to teach intercultural communication is highly desirable.

Real-World Experience: Employers often value real-world business experience. If you have worked in the business world before, share examples of how your experiences can enrich your teaching.

Professionalism: Dress and act professionally during the interview. Punctuality, clear communication, and a professional demeanor go a long way in showing your suitability for a business environment.

Adaptability: Business English teaching often involves diverse students with varying needs. Highlight your adaptability and willingness to tailor your lessons to different learners.

Step 4: Apply to Jobs if Teaching with a Company

Once you've identified job opportunities, the next step is to apply for positions with a company. This segment focuses on the nuances of applying to teach Business English, whether it's online or abroad, and provides insights into the potential challenges you might face.

High-Demand Companies and Regions:

When seeking positions with established online companies, it's beneficial to be aware of some well-known platforms that have a high demand for Business English teachers. Companies like VIPKid, EF Education First, and Berlitz offer opportunities to teach English online, including Business English programs. These companies often provide a structured curriculum and a steady stream of students.

If you're interested in teaching Business English abroad, several regions have a high demand for qualified instructors. The Middle East, especially countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, has a robust market for Business English teachers. Asia, including China, Japan, and South Korea, also offers ample opportunities for those looking to teach Business English in a foreign country.

Potential Challenges and Cultural Differences:

Teaching Business English, especially in international contexts, can present some unique challenges and cultural differences:

Communication Styles: Different cultures have distinct communication styles and norms. It's essential to adapt your teaching methods to suit the expectations of your students. Be prepared to encounter students who might be more reserved or others who prefer direct communication.

Hierarchy and Authority: In some business environments, there may be a strong emphasis on hierarchy and authority. This can influence how students interact with you as their teacher. Understanding and respecting these dynamics is crucial for effective teaching.

Language Proficiency: Depending on the students' starting level of English proficiency, you may need to be patient and use simplified language at the beginning. Building their confidence and gradually introducing more complex business-related terminology is part of the process.

Sensitivity to Cultural Norms: Cultural norms regarding punctuality, formality, and etiquette can vary significantly. Be aware of these differences and ensure that your teaching style aligns with the cultural expectations of your students.

Time Zones and Scheduling: If you're teaching Business English online, you may have students from various time zones. Being flexible and accommodating to different schedules is essential for building a global client base.

Step 5: Find Business English Students if Freelancing

As an independent Business English teacher, you have the flexibility to choose your students, set your rates, and create a personalized teaching environment. This section offers insights into how to effectively navigate the world of freelancing.

Setting Rates, Handling Payments, and Managing Schedules:

Setting Rates: Determining your rates as a freelance Business English teacher can be challenging. Consider factors such as your experience, the demand in your market, and the specific services you offer. Research what other freelancers charge for similar services to establish competitive pricing.

Handling Payments: Decide on a secure and convenient method for receiving payments. Options include online payment platforms like PayPal, bank transfers, or dedicated invoicing tools. Be transparent with your payment policies and ensure clear communication with your students or clients.

Managing Schedules: Managing your teaching schedule independently gives you the flexibility to accommodate different time zones and student preferences. Utilize scheduling tools or apps to organize your appointments efficiently. Clearly communicate your availability to students and set boundaries for your work hours.

Adapting Materials and Methods for One-on-One Teaching:

Personalized Curriculum: When teaching one-on-one, you have the advantage of tailoring your curriculum to the individual needs and goals of your student. Conduct a needs analysis at the beginning to understand their specific requirements, and design your lessons accordingly.

Interactive and Engaging Lessons: One-on-one teaching allows for more interactive and personalized lessons. Utilize real-world business scenarios, case studies, and role-playing to engage your students. Encourage open discussions and provide immediate feedback.

Flexibility: Adapt your teaching methods to your student's learning style. Some may prefer a more structured approach, while others thrive in a more relaxed and conversational setting. Flexibility in your teaching style is key to meeting the unique needs of each student.

Continuous Assessment: Provide regular feedback and assessments to track your student's progress. As a freelance teacher, you can offer more frequent evaluations to ensure that your student is meeting their goals.


In the dynamic realm of Business English teaching, your journey is marked by continuous growth, adaptability, and the fulfillment of helping students achieve their professional goals. Whether you choose to teach with established companies or venture into freelancing, your passion for education and commitment to your students will be the guiding force that leads to success.

As you embark on this exciting path, remember that learning is a two-way street – as you empower your students to navigate the global business landscape with confidence, you, too, will evolve and expand your horizons. So, embrace the opportunities, refine your skills, and enrich the lives of those you teach. The world of Business English education is waiting for you, and it's a journey filled with possibilities and rewards. Happy teaching!

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