ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


The World Of TEFL and TESOL Explained

In this blog post, our recent TEFL graduate shares their ideas on how to teach vocabulary to ESL students effectively. ✅ Read this article to learn the three easy steps.

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Are you interested in teaching English in Japan? ✅ Here's what a day in the life of an ALT on the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme looks like!

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In this blog post, our TEFL graduate shares their thoughts on teaching reading skills. ✅ Is it the parents' responsibility or depends on children? Learn more here.

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Teaching online offers a great deal of freedom and flexibility that many teachers find refreshing in comparison to a regular in-class job. ✅ However, it can also be a tough environment to work in if you approach it in the wrong way. Take a look at these simple tips for maintaining motivation when teaching English online.Are you teaching English online and finding it difficult to stay motivated? Take a look at our simple tips to help you stay at the top of your game.

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In this blog post, our TEFL graduate shares their thoughts and experience on teaching EFL kindergarten ✅. If you want to start working with this age group, read this article to learn about it.

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People of all ages cringe at the thought of a job interview, but with the right preparation there should be little to fear when applying for EFL teaching jobs. ✅ This post looks at the most common TEFL interview questions you are likely to face and some ideas on how to answer them.

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Although many people who complete a TEFL course and head overseas to teach decide to head home after a year or two, there are plenty of others who choose to carry on their TEFL career in the teaching field. ✅ In this post, we look at some of the options available to experienced EFL teachers.

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In many parts of the world a rapid surge in demand for business related English has created a vast number of great opportunities for TEFL qualified teachers. ✅ If you want to join the ranks of teachers in this unique field, take a look at our top tips guide to teaching business English.

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Teaching English online is an increasingly popular option right now and this popularity is only going to increase as the years go by. ✅ If you want to take advantage of this convenient and potentially lucrative teaching option, take a look at these top tips for engaging online English students.

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In this blog post, our TEFL alumna Anastasia shares her experience of working with Preply. ✅ If you are interested in online English teaching, this interview will help you learn more about the online teaching job and this popular platform.

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