ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


The Best Teaching Ideas for TEFL Teachers

In this blog post, we share several games for your conversation lesson. Students usually feel uncomfortable to communicate in English, especially if their level isn't advanced yet. However, with these fun activities, they'll speak with pleasure.All games can be adjusted to online format as well, just be creative!

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Productive skills are considered as the most challenging for teaching by many individuals. However, it is not so difficult if you know useful teaching techniques. Read our TEFL graduate's ideas in this blog post.

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This article was composed by our TEFL graduate who explains their vision on the good TEFL teacher's image.

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In this blog post, you will find several ideas on how to versatile your online lessons.

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This article is devoted to the problem of regular lesson planning. Why should teachers plan their work ahead? What benefits are there? Read in this blog post.

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In this article, our TEFL graduate shares their point of view on a good teacher's personal qualities.

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The most unnatural practice for human beings is the main method in place to fight COVID-19, self-isolation. Becoming accustomed to what seems to be the “new normal”, can take a toll on anyone’s mental health. Below, We Explore Five (5) Imperative Mental Health Practices For An EFL Teacher.

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In this article, we talk about methods of encouragement students in the ESL classroom.

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Regardless of whether we’re topmost executives or businesspersons, students or teachers, striking a proper work-life balance is extremely important. While everyone strives to strike this essential work-life balance, our success is usually limited.That occurs because other tasks on hand- either at work or home- steal precious time that was intended for our families. And if you’re a teacher, balancing work and family can become a real circus. A teacher has to be alert and conduct classes in a manner that every student learns. Hence, you need to be well prepared for the next day’s classes, take time to relieve stress, and ensure you have adequate rest.

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In this article, our TEFL graduate explains why children need their parents to take part in the educational process.

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