africa TEFL Jobs in Africa

  •  TEFL in Khartoum, Sudan


    Writer: The Winner Language Institute | Email: [email protected]

    Teach Business English in Africa's fastest growing economy. We are an English Language Institute located in Khartoum by the Blue Nile and are strengthening our team by recruiting teachers who can offer significant experience in Business English/ English for Occupational Purposes. Teachers will receive a very competitive package, including return airfare (upon completion of contract), Comprehensive BUPA cover and a rent allowance.    Read more

  •  TEFL in Tunisia


    Writer: TACC | Email: [email protected]

    The Tunisian American Chamber of Commerce is looking for part-time English teachers. TACC has been serving the Tunisian business community for over 15 years and has over 400 business members. TACC is currently expanding its English Language Program and is in need of part-time teachers. Native speakers of English are preferred. Compensation is based on experience. Flexible schedules are available.    Read more

  •  Teach English in Morocco


    Writer: AMIDEAST | Email: [email protected]

    AMIDEAST, a non-governmental organization, has positions open in its Rabat and Casablanca offices for TEFL certified US and non-US native-speaking teachers, starting in October. Our aim is to strengthen mutual understanding and co-operation between Americans and the peoples of The Middle East and North Africa. We offer a guaranteed 845-hours contract over the academic year, from October 1st to September 30th.    Read more

  •  Teach EFL in Sudan - Khartoum


    Writer: The Winner Language Institute | Email: [email protected]

    Exciting opportunity to teach English whilst experiencing one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Africa. Highly motivated students, wide range of professional challenges and very competitive packages offered for the most talented teachers of British English. Benefits include very competitive pay rates, return air flights at start and end of contract, comprehensive BUPA cover, and
    subsidised accommodation.
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  •  Teach English in Khartoum, Sudan


    Writer: The Winner Language Institute | Email: [email protected]

    Exciting opportunity to teach English whilst experiencing one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Africa. Highly motivated students, wide range of professional challenges and very competitive packages offered for the most talented teachers of British English. Benefits include return air flights at start and end of contract, comprehensive BUPA cover and subsidised accommodation.    Read more

  •  TEFL in Sudan - Khartoum


    Writer: The Winner Language Institute | Email: [email protected]

    Exciting opportunity to teach English whilst experiencing one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Africa. Highly motivated students, wide range of professional challenges and very competitive packages offered for the most talented teachers of British English. Benefits include very competitive pay rates, return air flights at start and end of contract, comprehensive BUPA cover and subsidised accommodation.
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  •  TEFL in Sudan (Khartoum)


    Writer: Winner Language Institute | Email: [email protected]

    We are a new language institute, with a modern school located in the Garden City area of Khartoum and we need to recruit more qualified EFL teachers. We offer competitive pay rates, return air flights, comprehensive BUPA cover and subsidised accommodation.
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  •  TEFL in Giyani, South Africa (2)


    Writer: Hillside Foundation School | Email: [email protected]

    Hillside Foundation School offers classes from Grade R to Grade 4, and will expand annually until Grade 6. Class sizes are limited to 22 learners per class. The school is situated in the quiet suburb of Kremetart in the rural town of Giyani in the Limpopo Province (approximately 500km northeast of Johannesburg). We are looking for a teacher who is able to start work in January. Benefits include 8 weeks paid holidays and assistance with accommodation.
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  •  Teach English in Sudan - Khartoum (2)


    Writer: Kibeida International Schools | Email: [email protected]

    Kibeida International Schools was founded in 1994 as a Center for morning and evening classes. In 2001 we opened a new branch in Omdurman as a Kindergarten and Primary school. In 2005 we opened the latest branch in Khartoum-II (Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Section). We are now looking for additional English native speaking teachers to start in August this year. Benefits include accommodation, visa, medical insurance, and contribution to airfare.   Read more

  •  TEFL in Egypt - Cairo


    Writer: Sakkara Language School | Email: [email protected]

    Sakkara, a well established language school, is seeking highly motivated, enthusiastic English Teachers for the 2006-2007 academic year. We are located in Maadi, Cairo. Benefits include free accommodation and reimbursed roundtrip airfare ticket.   Read more

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