What is the Role of an Effective EFL Teacher?

What is the role of the teacher in English learning? Although 'teacher-centered education' was taught in the past, 'student-centered education' is more emphasized in the modern era. Accordingly, the role of the teacher is also changing from the teacher who delivers the knowledge of the subject to the teacher who facilitates students' successful learning. It is important to recognize that teaching and learning are an integral part of each other. (Harmer, 2007). Teaching practice should not be simply 'one-way' delivery of knowledge to students. Teachers should play a role in motivating students to participate in learning. A variety of learning methods should be tried to enjoy the process of learning a foreign language rather than the result of education. Learning facilitators maximize the opportunity for students to participate in educational activities, and encourage students to actively engage in learning. Students need to be given enough time and space to work independently as 'self-regulated' learners. To do this, various materials and sufficient opportunities for learning should be provided. It is essential to treat students with a passion and love to understand their interests and needs.
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Every student's preference and learning styles are different.
Teachers should serve as models of mentors as they are subject to imitation to students.
Teachers should cooperate with parents, students, colleagues, and the community.
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Regina K. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Every student's preference and learning styles are different.
Also, their strengths and weaknesses are different. For these reasons, teachers have to develop skills in scaffolding and differentiating teaching methods and materials to meet individual student's learning needs. In my experience, students from non-English speaking countries often have difficulties in speaking and writing. The reason is that although they have learned English grammar in their countries, they have rarely had the opportunity to try it in real life. Although they seem to have great receptive skills, productive skills seem to be lacking in many situations. In this case, it is pivotal to make a comfortable and safe environment for students to speak confidently. Even though teaching accuracy in grammar is important, it should not be a barrier to students' fluency in English.
Also Read: Are Teachers Responsible for Students' Willingness to Learn English?
The teacher should be an active experimenter and explore various ideas and possibilities for the class.
She is required to be flexible to adjust or modify teaching strategies and materials to motivate students. Some activities work well with certain groups of students who have the same cultural background or the same age range. It does not mean that she can use the same way to other students all the time. Teachers should provide students with appropriate advice and support a variety of ways of learning. Proper interaction with the student after establishing rapport is essential to deliver effective education. Students' achievements also depend on how the educator teaches.
Teachers need to be able to collect and use different types of materials to respond to rapidly changing educational environments.
They should keep in mind that some old methods of education are not used anymore in the classroom due to their ineffectiveness. A teacher who constantly tries to grow by participating in various Personal Development programs will be successful. English teachers should strive to improve their teaching methods as well as each student's English skills. Teachers must decide on the factors that affect learning and combine extensive knowledge of educational and developmental features.
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Teachers should serve as models of mentors as they are subject to imitation to students.
To do that, they have to make sure to set an example in speaking and doing as well as teaching in general. A teacher should offer learning experiences that are meaningful, valuable, engaging, and accessible. (Brock & Hundley).
Teachers should cooperate with parents, students, colleagues, and the community.
The effectiveness of education is not only between teachers and students but also closely related to parents and schools. A cooperative attitude must be made to increase educational effects.
Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!
A good education is possible when there are good teachers. Because the key to education is the teacher. This means that no matter how well equipped the state-of-the-art educational equipment is, without a competent teacher who can use it meaningfully, a good education cannot be achieved.
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