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The Importance of Business English

The Importance of Business English | ITTT | TEFL Blog

English has developed to become the universal language for business around the world. English unites people and companies from different backgrounds, countries, and languages and allows them to communicate clearly and effectively. That's why Business English is so important to study if you want to work in this sector. Having a good grasp of English that you can apply to business will be an attractive asset to employers.

Table of Contents

The overview of the problem

Learn Specific Business English Skills

Understand Economy and Business Theory

Focus on Current News and Trends

Cooperation and teamwork

Gain Confidence

Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!

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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Ibrahim A. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.

The overview of the problem

The English language is currently estimated as the third largest mother tongue in the world. However, it is unquestionably the first and most popular second-language. In fact, most of the information that circulates in our world – mail, radio, cable, internet, etc. – is in English. This language has become the working language or bridge language of our time. There is even a specific rubric for Language Skills in any standard résumé template, with the level of English generally being what is examined. This dominance plays a part in the wide range of effects of what is called globalization.

The world's economic outlook is often bleak, and job opportunities are fewer today than during certain periods in the past. But that doesn't mean there is no hope for today's business students. It just means that they have to have the right skill set for the international business community.

Business English is part of that skill set. Since many businesses now operate across international borders, studying this subject allows students to succeed in global business with multi-lingual communication skills. Read on to find out more about the benefits of learning business English.

Also read: TEFL Breakdown - What Subjects Will Your TEFL Course Cover?

Learn Specific Business English Skills

Business English helps you build on your existing English skills, including verb tenses, and how to place articles in business writing.

However, students also learn more complex industry-specific language skills, such as vocabularies like 'subsidiary' and 'conglomerate' or practical tasks like creating business letters or writing up minutes from a meeting. These are vital skills for the workplace, and students also get to apply all of the English skills they've learned.

business english lesson

Understand Economy and Business Theory

Today's business world requires creative and constructive thinking. Trends and technology change rapidly, so it's important for aspiring business people to understand how the world economy works, both today and throughout history.

Reading business English allows students to understand business trends and the reasoning behind business practices.

Also read: 9 Small Details That Matter When Teaching EFL

Focus on Current News and Trends

Business English classes use up-to-date texts supplemented with articles from real-life publications. This means that students cover it all, from search engine optimization to new e-commerce trends for small businesses.

Also, many assignments are based on the news, so students get a chance to think critically with their peers to complete their assignments.

Cooperation and teamwork

Even the most intelligent MBA students sometimes fail in the business world because they don't have the proper interpersonal skills to work with others. The most successful businesses, especially those which work internationally, have people who can professionally deal with their colleagues.

Taking a business English class involves regular presentations and group work, which prepares students for working with others. Students also get an extra advantage by working and sharing ideas with people from different nationalities.

Also read: 10 Tips for Teaching Grammar to EFL Students Abroad

Gain Confidence

While business English studies are often challenging, all of the presentations, listening, writing, and reading exercises students do in class help them to gain the confidence they need to work in today's fast-paced business world. Not only do students learn valuable language skills, but they also develop an understanding of how to work in complicated business environments.

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