ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


The Best Teaching Ideas for TEFL Teachers

Teaching receptive skills is crucial for ESL classes. Our TEFL graduate shares their thoughts on the point.

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In this blog post, our TEFL graduate shares their experience of teaching Vietnamese students and tells about challenges they have got in English speaking.

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Our TEFL graduate shares their thoughts on teaching challenging students.

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Why building confidence in beginners and how? Our TEFL graduate shares their experience.

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What teaching qualities are important for you as an ESL teacher? Find out in this article.

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How to create a perfect classroom management and use it as a tool to motivate your students? Read in this blog post.

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There are many ways how English may change students' future for better. Our TEFL graduate dwells upon this point.

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Evaluation and testing are important parts of language learning. Our TEFL graduate explains their features and aims.

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Building rapport can help you to deliver lessons more effectively. Our TEFL graduate explains how it helps.

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How to use ESA strategy in your teaching? Our TEFL graduate gives a piece of advice on this point.

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