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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

F.L. - Germany said:
Classroom ManagementManaging your classroom is vital to a successful learning environment. However, it is not easy dealing with many children with different personalities and learning styles. Effective management will get all students involved and make the classroom a more effective working environment. A teacher has to let his students know what good behavior is by giving the class clear instructions on what kind of behavior is expected. Teachers must act fairly; if they do not treat all students equally, students will not want to follow the rules. Reward students? good behavior with praise and encouragement. With an unruly student, a teacher should first use body language and a strong tone to show that he expects better behavior. There are times when that alone will be effective. If the problem continues, the teacher must deal with it with as little class interruption as possible. If he has to stop the lesson to deal with disruptions, then he is hurting students who want to learn. Dealing with discipline issues privately prevents the student from 'losing face' in front of his friends. The most important thing is for the teacher to remain calm. If he loses his temper and starts shouting at a confrontational student, he has given up his position of authority and lowered himself to the student's level. Teachers must learn to handle classroom mishaps and behavioral problems with a smile. Using eye contact will establish rapport with the students. Taking a genuine interest in them, asking how they are, listening and being approachable are important. Encouraging students to get to know each other, using their names, and mixing students? seating arraignments from time to time will make them feel at ease. Teachers should not spend the whole class teaching at the board. A horseshoe seating arraignment is good for getting around the class. It?s great for board work and speaking activities. All the students will be able to see the teacher, the board, and each other and teachers will have a space in the middle of the horse shoe and around the outside to monitor students. The teacher should take time to approach individual students during their writing or worksheet activities. Being available for questions, taking time to comment on how well students are doing, and displaying students? artwork will go a long way in create a comfortable learning environment . students love showing off their work. Another important aspect to class management is a good lesson plan. Teachers should prepare enjoyable lessons that engage the students. The teacher must be careful to avoid leftover time in their lessons. He will look unprepared if he runs out of activities for the lesson. Writing additional activities in the lesson plan will unsure that there will never be any leftover time. Being instructed the same way all the time becomes boring for the students and inappropriate behavior will increase. A wide variety of teaching methods geared toward different learning styles will keep students interested. Auditory learners like activities involving repetition, dictation and listening. Cloze passages, Jeopardy and Scavenger hunt are games suitable for these learners. Interviews, debates, lectures and oral instructions also work well with them. Visual learners prefer to read and watch videos. Pictures, board games and written instructions will keep their attention. Tactile learners are easily distracted and get frustrated when the teacher uses only auditory and visual teaching methods. They like hands on activities and learn best by role play, board games and chanting. Feedback is an important part of classroom management. Both the student and the teacher should take part, with the teacher focusing on whether the student has achieved the task, and the student contributing his thoughts and ideas to the teacher. With feedback, students become more aware of the teacher?s goals for the student. From student feedback the teacher will see what activities are working for them, which ones they enjoy, what they still find to be difficult, and how the teacher can work to make the class a better place for them. He can use their responses to adjust his teaching for the rest of the year.
