ITTT tefl internationale

All you need to know about teaching English abroad!


The Best Teaching Ideas for TEFL Teachers

This blog post is contains ideas on the usage of storytelling in Early Childhood English learning.

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In this blog post, our TEFL graduate shares their thoughts and ideas on child development.

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In this blog post, our TEFL graduate shares their thoughts on native and non-native teachers' work.

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In this article, our TEFL graduate shares their experience of working with Vietnamese students.

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This blog post contains information on some personal qualities extremely important for ESL teachers.

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How to organize your classroom and be able to manage it effectively and efficiently? Read in this blog post.

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Reading skills are extremely important for students as they build strong connection to the language students learn.

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Building rapport is not an easy task. However, it's very important for your ESL teaching. Read this blog post to learn how to set close relationship with your students.

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How slang and idioms influence students learning process? Read in this blog post.

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Is global language needed nowadays? Our TEFL graduate shares their point of view.

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