TEFL in Jayapura, Indonesia

Date posted:2007-02-01 | Writer: English First Jayapura | Email: [email protected]

We need Native Speaking ESL Teachers. Starting date, Mid February, March and April. English First Jayapura is a school in West Papua, the eastern most part of Indonesia. We have a student body of a little over 300 and growing. We have classes from early learners to advanced adult class and the work hours are 40 per week. English First is an international company with about 60 schools in Indonesia alone, so if someone is interested in making a career in teaching English as a second language the opportunities are great. We offer a salary that will insure a comfortable lifestyle while in Indonesia; we also offer teachers housing, flight reimbursement and medical insurance. You can see our school at Contact us So if you want a place off the beaten path and becoming part of a growing and exciting school is on your agenda; then send your CV and any TESL/ TEFL cert you my have to [email protected] and I will send you more information as we continue the recruitment process. Wade WilsonDirector of StudiesEnglish First Jayapura

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


During this unit I was able to brush up on concepts of grammar. I was reminded of a lot of the official terminology that is used to describe words and structures I often take for granted. I has definitely given a clearer picture on how the teach sentence construction. Information on things like irregular nouns and verbs and exceptions to grammatical rules have also highlighted the complexity of the English language.This unit covered the usage and formation of the different conditionals. There are five different types of conditionals; zero, first, second, third, and mixed. We learn how to identify these in a sentence. Also covered is reported speech. This is a particularly difficult area for students as there are various special reporting verbs we use, as well as many rules for changing a sentence's tense for when we report it.
