Capital city
Egyptian Pound (EGP)
Typical TEFL teacher salary
US$ 500/month
Major TEFL locations
The Country
Egypt offers some of the best-paid EFL teaching positions in Africa. In the Sinai Desert, Cairo and Alexandria, securing a desirable position should come relatively easily with the help of our lifetime assistance in finding teaching jobs. Many available jobs are in the fields of business and computers, so experience in these fields will definitely increase your chances of finding a teaching position.
It is highly recommended to obtain an accredited TEFL certificate such as that offered by ITTT or TEFL International before applying for English teaching positions. There are few publications that will list job openings so we recommend taking advantage of our services related to helping you identify potential employers as well as help with your resume/CV and interviews.
The students in Egypt are often some of the best to teach in the world. As most of them need to become fluent in English in order to obtain a job themselves, they are very diligent workers and excited to learn.
TEFL Courses in Alexandria