Family Impact on Children's EFL Education

In education, intelligence is not the only factor but maybe one of the most important ones. Regardless, many factors affect the children's education, such as financial situation, social structure, and even whether it is a developed country or a developing country. However, the role of the parents can not be ignored as it is essential as intelligence.Because children like to imitate what their parents do, parents should be more aware of what they are doing to avoid negative situations. For instance, if parents do not interest in their children's case at school, children will realize this and they begin not paying attention to their education as their parents do. Unfortunately, this will bring failure, and this failure will bring chaos to the house.
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The importance of showing a correct model
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate IRAZ D. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
The importance of showing a correct model
On the other hand, this imitation may lead to favorable situations. For instance, the more interested parents with their children's education, the more interested students with their education too. As we all know, everything starts with family, and also our first teachers are our parents. We learned lots of things from them, and we still are. For instance, we knew our native tongue from our parents. So we can consider them our first language teachers. Anyway, we learned many different things: not to use bad words, be patient, be kind, not tell lies, etc. And they prepare us for formal education, which refers to school.
When I went to school, I realized that the world was not like a wonderland that I had expected. I thought that I would play every time and everywhere. But in time, I understood that I had to be evaluated by the system if I would like to be successful. And while trying to understand what I should do, my parents helped me. And they never obliged me to do things that I do not want. That's why I decided to be an English teacher.
Good motivation strategy
Moreover, every parent should be aware of 'their chi does not be Parents' them. Parents role is to raise children in a good way. Instead of taking their children's things children want, they should encourage them to pursue their dreams and hopes. Beyond everything, parents should keep children's wishes before anything else. Before the parents' plans for the kid, a kid's plan for themselves plays a significant role during their lives. It is essential for parents not to forget this sequence. Just because they want children to do so, parents should urge their children to do things that they do not want to do. My intention by saying this is parents should not be so harsh on their children but not so neglected. They need to find out a balance for the sake of both sides.
Financial support
As for another aspect, a financial situation also plays a significant role in children's education. Not every family can provide private, good, efficient education for their child. But they shouldn't let this excuse come across in their way. Recently, nearly half of the young learners don't want to study because they think it is unnecessary. No matter the challenge, a family should support the child without making excuses for education. They should try to push every opportunity to afford the education. The financial situation can also be triggered by the society that you live in.
Social structure in this subject is as important as financial situation and parents' behavior. In society, every individual is evaluated by a universalistic code. So while the family prepares children for school, the school prepares children for society. Another fact about culture is in some countries. Education is still a matter of gender. Society generalized education and doesn't let female genders go to school for education. Families don't want to send their daughters to school as if it is wrong or some sin. Society must be equal for both gender, but still, in the 21st century, we are exposed to these kinds of situations. The tragicomic part of this problem is no matter how a female wishes to go to school. Her parents do not allow her to go. Gender issues can be seen clearly because when their son wants something, it happens very quickly. For education, there shouldn't be any gender limitation.
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To conclude my ideas, a well-raised child should be aware of his/her responsibilities, his/her behaviors and do his/her homework not because it is obliged by parents but because s/he is mindful of doing his/her homework is under his/her responsibility. The other important point is the financial situation. Not everyone's financial situation is so well, but for instance, if a child wants to go to university, parents should do their best for him/her. But of course, I am not saying they should be too harsh to themselves. But they can try to find a scholar for him.
Another vital point is social structure. Unfortunately, parents do not want to send their daughters to school in some countries as if it is a sin. Intelligence and these factors that I've mentioned above play an essential role in children's education.
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