ESL Teacher's Role Through The Lens of Their Contribution

'One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is necessary raw material, but warmth is vital for the growing plant and the child's soul.Carl Jung
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Contribution to Students' Life
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Anamaria P. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
TEFL Experience
Teachers are a never-ending source of experience. They have already gone through all the difficulties that their students are going through, undergone what they will go through, and can pass along lessons regarding subject matters and studies on life. Teachers are like second parents for their students.
Contribution to Students' Life
One can say that a great teacher can change a student's life.Teachers are responsible for a lot of things. First of all, to be a great teacher, you must create a strong bond with your pupils and reach them on multiple levels because the best teachers are committed to their students' well-being both inside and outside the classroom. By developing strong relationships, teachers can act on every aspect of their student's lives, teaching them the essential life lessons that will help them succeed beyond term papers and tests.There are two types of teachers: the ones that can have a minor influence in a student's life and others who can significantly impact. I believe that a great teacher has to be a fine psychologist. A great teacher has to understand that each child is unique, and he/she has to know how to work with all of them. A teacher can put you down, but also, a teacher can give you wings to fly. A teacher can open your eyes and make you believe that everything is possible as long as you believe in yourself.
It is not always easy to change a student's life, so it takes a great teacher to do that. Some need an extra push because they lack confidence. Others may be going through something troubling in their personal lives and need someone to talk to. A teacher can shape personalities, can teach good manners, good moral values. Sometimes, a teacher can significantly impact students even more than a parent or society can.
Positive Role Model
I think that all of us need a role model in our lives. A role model is someone who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. Someone we admire and someone we aspire to be like, someone we can always look up to when we need advice and guidance.
Anybody can be a role model: a parent, a sibling, a friend. I firmly believe that some of the most influential and life-changing role models are teachers. They are a source of advice for students weighing important life decisions and can help their pupils pursue higher education, explore career opportunities and compete in all types of events.
Much of the things students can learn from their most excellent teachers are not detailed in a syllabus. Teachers who help us grow as people are responsible for imparting some of life's most important lessons. Students encounter other children of the same age during their initial school years and begin to form some of their first friendships. The teacher's role here is to show his students how to become independent and create their relationships. A school is a place of social learning and a business that can teach you how to interact with others. Those early lessons still affect how they will interact with others in the future.
Source of Inspiration
It is not an exaggeration to say that students who their teachers inspire can accomplish wonderful and amazing things. They can keep their motivation throughout their entire life. Inspiration can also take many forms, from helping pupils through school and their goals to guiding them towards their future careers. Teachers can also be a trusted source of advice for students weighing important life decisions and helping their pupils pursue higher education, explore career opportunities, and compete in events they might otherwise have not thought themselves capable of.
One of the most amazing things is that years after graduation, many professionals will never forget a particular teacher as the one who nourished their love of what they currently do and attribute their accomplishments to that teacher.
Are you ready to teach English abroad or online?
As a teacher, I had many beautiful moments. For me, the most significant achievement was to see the happy faces of my pupils along with their enthusiasm when I entered the classroom. Their desire to learn, warmth, joy, and laughter were all the most remarkable ways to show me that I have accomplished my goal: to be a great teacher.Being a teacher is not an easy job, but it is one of the most rewarding.
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