Teach English in Turkey - Istanbul

Date posted:2007-04-09 | Writer: GOKDIL LANGUAGE CENTRE | Email: [email protected]

Gokdil has been a language school in Turkey since 1972 and it has 8 branches in Istanbul. Gokdil is looking for qualified native English speaking teachers for its growing language school. Teachers must have a university degree, a TEFL certificate, and also experience is preferred. Gokdil offers a competitive wage, housing support, and a contract finishing bonus and travel money. The school has a set curriculum for its young adult population. For more information on the school, click on Contact us To apply, send CV with photo to [email protected]

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


Very interesting and informative. It made some rules clear to me why and where they have to be used. I am not a native English speaker so I used some expressions incorrectly, but from now on I will be more careful. And interestingly, while I am writing this I am talking to myself and naming the words I write. Good part about gerunds, I might have learned that some years ago but I completely forgot, good to refresh!This section was very helpful indeed. I find that the future tense of the English language (and of any language) can be a bit murky for people at times, and the meanings and things that distinguish the different \"tenses\" apart can be troublesome for even some native speakers. This part definitely helped with comprehending them very well, and I now feel as though I have a greater understanding of the future tense.
