Kindergarten ESL Teaching Position in Poland

Date posted:2004-03-31 | Writer: International House | Email: [email protected]

The school , situated at the foot of the Beskidy mountains in a small city, is a friendly environment to work in . At present we have an English Kindergarten with 21 children, 3-6 year olds. We have native speakers of English as well as Polish teachers working in it. The Kindergarten Coordinator manages the whole kindergarten. We are looking for a kindergarten teacher who is a native speaker of English. The best case scenario would be a trained Kindergarten/ Primary School teacher who has taught English as a Second Language but also acceptable would be someone who has taught or worked with small children (3-6 year olds) and enjoys doing so. The ideal candidate should be outgoing, energetic, enthusiastic with a sense of humor.

We can offer the right candidate: - a friendly environment, - an induction week training before the actual teaching starts. - a return flight to Poland, - accommodation paid by the school , - a good local salary, - visa, work permit (if required) arranged by the school

Main terms and conditions: - 10 month contract starting August 24, 2004 - 20 hours teaching a week plus 1, 5 standby - paid holiday - 27 working days

Please e-mail your : 1. Current CV and Cover letter 2. Recent photo 3. Details of two referees at: [email protected] by 30 April 2004, the latest. or post it at : International House, ul. Zielona 32, 43-300 Bielsko-Bia>=a.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


I learned that two other productive skills (in addition to reading and listening) are speaking and writing. Also, as with reading and listening no one skill is more important than the other and all four of them should be included when learning a new language. The points noted in the previous unit are similar to the ones re-iterated in this unit (i.e. create enthusiasm by picking topics that are of interest to the students etc.).It is very interesting to see just how the attitude of the teacher really affects how the students take away from the lesson. The first video had the teacher act very rude and quick to jump to conclusions, whereas in the second video he was a lot more understanding and overall just more pleasant to be around. These two videos just helped to reinforce what behaviors I should use in the classroom and what behaviors to watch out for.
