TEFL in Africa

Date posted:2002-12-11 | Writer: IFESH | Email: [email protected]

TEACHERS FOR AFRICA A Unique Overseas Teacher-Training Program

Interested in Living & Teaching in sub-Saharan Africa?

Positions: The International Foundation for Education and Self-Help (IFESH) invites applications from teachers, college and university professors, and school administrators who wish to spend one to two academic years helping to promote education reform and health awareness in English and French ñ³°¥aking African countries. Since 1992, the IFESH Teachers for Africa Program has placed more than 750 American teacher-volunteers in African schools, teacher training colleges, universities and government educational agencies. Most teachers will depart for their host countries in September. Applicants are sought with teaching experience in teacher training, educational administration, curriculum development & pedagogy skills-training, English as a Second Language (ESL), business, health , HIV/AIDS awareness, computer science, library science, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and other areas. ESL teachers fluent in French are particularly encouraged to apply. Teacher vo! lunteers will be encouraged to participate in local community development projects in association with local groups and NGOí³® For more information, visit our website at Contact us

Eligibility: Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of U.S., be in good health, have a college degree and a minimum of 2-3 years of teaching experience.

Benefits: The Teachers for Africa Program pays the cost of placement, pre-departure orientation, international transportation and health insurance, and provides a monthly stipend of $800 and an allowance for pre-departure and settlingñ©® costs. An in-country orientation is provided on arrival in host country.

Application Procedure: Applications and information may be obtained by contacting Dr. Julie Sullivan, Director of Education Programs, phone no. (480) 443-1800 ext 607; fax no. (480) 443-1824, or e-mail [email protected] or writing :

IFESH- Teachers for Africa Program Division of Education Programs 5040 East Shea Boulevard, Suite 260 Scottsdale, AZ 85254-4687

IFESH is an equal opportunity and affirmative action organization. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


In this lesson unit and videos only validates and justifies my thoughts and beliefs that having a positive attitude, coupled with a good modulated tone of voice as well as making the class lively is a better approach in teaching. Now a days, we can not teach on traditional techniques and ways. We, teachers have to always show our students that we like or love what we are doing as well as making them feel respected and treated equally.This subject is very interesting. Here are new tings am never thought about before, like reading a headline on a newspaper that different people react different to. Depending on what they know about the subject. And how you can let the students read a text that they do not know all the words but if they read it many times they can get the picture of the text anyway. And after that they can ask about the words they did not understand.
