When visiting an unfamiliar country there are always a few things you wished you had known before you set off.
As well as reminding you that Brits are sticklers for politeness and orderly queuing, you will also find some useful British-English words that you might not be aware of such as wonky, loo and knackered.
Why not try a glass or two of local beer followed by a plate of fish & chips and mushy peas?

If you are thinking of heading to London to complete our TEFL course, check out this infographic for a few simple do’s and don’ts to remember when visiting England.
Unlike some other European countries England is not typically well known for its cuisine, however, you may be surprised to find that some of the country’s favorite foods are to your liking.
SOURCE: foursquare . stfi . re/v/london/4e10c02045dde6c62dcd8b19?sf=nrjjzkk