Located off the southeast tip of India, Sri Lanka’s popularity as a travel destination has rapidly grown in recent years.
Away from the coast there is also plenty to look forward to, including ancient temples and ruins, many outstanding national parks, and a range of cultural experiences that you will never forget.
Make sure you sample as many as you can during your stay.

As it is an island with nearly 1,600 km of coastline, visitors can enjoy a wide variety of beach resorts, from peaceful tropical hideaways to bustling centers packed with water sports and nightlife.
Although it shares some similarities with its closest neighbors, the Sri Lankan cuisine still offers many unique dishes and flavors that you will not find anywhere else.
SOURCE: theculturetrip . com/asia/sri-lanka/articles/the-essential-travel-guide-to-sri-lanka-infographic/?utm_content=buffer51564&utm_medium=pinterest&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=buffer