TEFL Position in Brazil

Date posted:2018-11-19 | Writer: MAI English | Email: [email protected]

MAI English was founded on September 20, 1969 and its acronym summarizes the name Modern American Institute. At that time, the work proposed by the school revolutionized the teaching of English in such a way that more than 3,000 students were conquered in only 3 years of activities. We now have regular opportunities for TEFL qualified teachers who are living, or plan to live in Belo Horizonte, the capital city of southeastern Brazil’s Minas Gerais state.

We seek people committed to our business, creative and aligned with our commitment to offer great English courses.

It’s the professionals driven by passion that lead the company towards success and contribute to  making Mai English the preferred brand of all consumers. Here, professionals find challenges, development opportunities and learning beyond the excellent work environment. The rooms of MAI Cidade Nova are equipped with E-Boards (Interactive Boards) and the main focus is teacher empowerment and the evolution of classroom processes. We have computers and internet for MAI activities exclusively developed for the students, such as: games, online exercises, tests and much more. This is a great place for EFL teachers to work.


Contact us via email at the address given on the job heading.

MAI English

Rua Nelson Soares de Faria,

nº 235 - Cidade Nova,

Belo Horionte


Phone number: (31) 3484-5554

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit's main focus was on ways of teaching. It specifically focused the Engage, Study and Activate approach and its different varieties. I really liked the analogy of a tree with grammar being the trunk and branches while vocabulary and function are the leaves. An ESL teacher most know how to balance each between all of these in order to prepare the students as best as possible.Knowing how to manage a class is extremely important as a teacher, as you want the information you are teaching to be able to be digested in an easy and natural way. With the tips from unit 5 - Managing Classes, I was able to understand the importance of rapport, seating arrangements, student talk time and teacher talk time, how to give instructions and lastly how to group students.
