Capital city
Typical TEFL teacher salary
1,000 euro / month
Major TEFL locations
The Country
Spain is one of the most popular locations in which to find a job teaching English. This can make for stiff competition amongst job seekers so our course graduates will most certainly benefit from our assistance with finding great employment opportunities.
Many teaching positions are for young learners, but you can also find adult and business English teaching quite easily. There are literally thousands of language schools in the larger cities of Spain. Finding a position teaching English in Spain it is easier while in the country. Schools like to see prospective teachers in the flesh so they can gain an impression of how the teacher will be received by their students.
Bigger cities have more openings for English teachers but they also have more teachers seeking employment. If you plan to teach English in Spain, it is a good idea to take your TEFL course here. TEFL International schools in Spain have a wealth of contacts and insider advice to help you achieve your goal of teaching English in Spain.
Choose one of our courses in Spain and you’ll be lapping up the Spanish sun and experiencing Spain’s wonderful culture in no time.
TEFL Courses in Barcelona